Biocentrism Essay

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Environment has become an important subject in the 21st century; scientists have found that human activity has a big influence on all of the ecosystems contained on Earth. Our lifestyle damages the Earth, and we know that some of the harm done is irreversible. We started questioning our lifestyle and our behavior: were we taking the proper decisions when it comes to environment or the inhabitants of Earth? Did the humans take good decisions in the past, or should they try different methods? Even though one question always brings another, this essay will focus on a specific one: Should we, humans, act with a biocentric point of view or an anthropocentric point of view when it comes to huge environmental problems? This essay will defend the point of view that we should adopt a biocentric ethical view in today’s context by arguing that we have a moral duty towards the environment and all its inhabitants, also, nature and all its inhabitants have intrinsic value, and Bender's reasoning will be discussed.
Before any argumentation, definition of the words biocentrism and anthropocentrism will be given. First, biocentrism says that all living things on Earth have the same right to reach their goals in life, so they all have equal rights, and one species cannot oppress other species for their own benefit (Singer,281). However, anthropocentrism states that the human race is superior to all other species, so humans have the moral right to take advantage of other species and exploit nature as they want (Muir 190).
To start off, humans cannot take advantage from other species because they have a moral duty towards the environment and all living things. One of the theories that defends this opinion is Leopold’s Land Ethics. Leopold’s theo...

... middle of paper ... the harm done to this person because we did not help him or her (Mieth17). In this case, if we do not help sentient organisms and we take all the possible resources away from them, we should consider that we harmed them and if so, we did not respect the principle of equal treatment. Therefore, we are not morally correct. Even though some species are not sentient, humans still need to consider them to have intrinsic value otherwise they will harm other sentient organisms.
To conclude, this text proves that humans should adopt a biocentric point of view in the 21st century because they have a moral duty towards the environment, all its inhabitants and because nonhumans living organisms have intrinsic value. The next decisions concerning environment and the shift in the environmental ethics will definitely change the portrait of our society in the next few years.

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