Bigguns In Lord Of The Flies

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In Lord of the Flies there are many components such as the conch shell, the beast, and the bigguns. The conch shell was used by Ralph to call a meeting for the children on the island. The beast is an imaginary thing that all the kids on the island are scared of, the beast is a metaphor for the instinct of savagery in humans. The bigguns in the story are the older kids on the island, they have to look out for the younger kids on the island and the bigguns have to hunt, make the fire, make the shelter, and make the food. The components in Lord of the Flies has a lot of meaning in the story. The conch shell was found by Ralph so he became the leader of all the kids. When the conch shell gets blown that means there is a meeting and all the kids on the island sit down and listen to Ralph the leader. Later into the story the children fight over the conch shell and it causes the kids to split into two groups, which is a big part in the story in the end. The conch shell was the item that had the most value in the entire story because it got everyone together and it was the only way people could talk and make ideas.Once the conch shell is blown by someone they get a sort of respect and a time to speak and make ideas for the kids on the island. …show more content…

The beast was thought by the children to be the head of a pig that talked to the kids. Simon in the story realizes that the beast is not real and the beast is inside each child. As the children stay on the island longer and longer the fear of the beast in each of the kids become more frightened of the beast. The children also believe in the beast more and more the longer they are isolated on the island alone.The instinct of savagery is in everyone and it only takes a little bit of time in the wilderness for it to come out, the beast is in all of

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