Bigguns In Lord Of The Flies

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Evil comes in many different shapes and forms but no one ever thought about different age. In the book Lord of the Flies, the difference in age shows different forms and examples of evil. All ages showed evil at one point but some carried out the evil to eventually become savage. Bigguns are the older children 8 and older who were stranded on the island in Lord of the Flies. Littluns are the little kids 7 and younger on the island in Lord of the Flies. Bigguns held onto civilization a little longer than the littluns by showing adult characteristics such as rules and taking leadership throughout the book. “I’ll give the conch to the next person to speak. He can hold it when he’s speaking.” (Fire on the Mountain, pg 33, Ralph). Even though they …show more content…

By far the bigguns handled the situation more realistically by acting older than their actual age. “”They could be an army-” “Or hunters-”” (The Sound of the Shell, pg 23, everyone shouting). At their age they already knew that their would have to be hunters and groups of people who did certain things. “Ralph, I’ll split up my choir, my hunters, that is- into groups, and we’ll be responsible for keeping the fire going-.” “And we’ll be responsible for keeping a lookout too. If we see a ship out there we’ll put green branches on, Then there’ll be more smoke.” (Fire on the Mountain, pg 43, Jack). The bigguns know that they should split up into groups if they want the best chances for survival. The bigguns made realistic points such as the conch being the key to civilization and the fire and smoke key to survival and rescue. While the littluns are trying to come up with unrealistic ideas and they are unwilling to do the work to make them happen. “I bet if I blew the conch this minute, they’d come running. Then we’d be, you know, very solemn, and someone would say we ought to build a jet, or a submarine, or a T.V. set. When the meeting was over they’d work for five minutes, then wander off or go hunting.” (Huts on the Beach, pg 51, …show more content…

The bigguns show evil very dramatically throughout the book by making Piggy always feel humiliated and never giving him a chance to speak. “I got the conch-” (Fire on the Mountain, pg42, Piggy) “You shut up!” (Fire on the mountain, pg 42, Jack). The Littluns would throw rocks and sand at one another causing them all to cry and get mad at one another. The Bigguns would hunt and act savagely toward each other and not follow the rules they came up with. There was also still innocence on the island, Piggy and Samuel tried to keep everyone kind and rational. When there was a fight, Piggy or Samuel would usually always try to break it up and stick up for everyone. In the end they were the only ones who were civil and they were killed for it. Evil comes in many shapes and forms, evil also comes in many

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