Big Pharma Reflection

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I am incredibly appalled by this weeks readings. I will begin with a short story about past medical experiences, the information I grasped about Big Pharma, the DSM outcome, and the overall implications of this hegemony situation. During a past doctors visit I had tested high for blood pressure. I refused to take the medication they prescribed me, because I am 27 years old and it was just after one doctors visit with a new physician, which I found incredibly inappropriate. Next time I went in, guess what, my blood pressure was fine but I tested high for cholesterol. They again wanted to put me on medication, I refused again and said diet and exercise. It makes more sense to me after reading Allen Frances (2013) diagnostic inflation chapter, …show more content…

They make over $700 Billion dollars each year worldwide, spend 60 billion on commercials and lobbying, and 30 billion on research that aids their financial endeavours. Commercials that trick people into thinking they have a problem and that certain medications can solve it, when the pills are probably just placebos. Selling a lie that we can be a perfect society by popping pills. Disgraceful that Pharma came after children and elderly when their adult market seemed saturated. Appalling that they tapped into primary care physicians, instead of just utilizing and supplying psychiatrists because they wanted further outreach. This is why my primary care provider keeps trying to push pills on me. Furthermore, Big Pharma buries research that doesn’t suit their pharmaceutical mongering. I wonder if there some cures for certain types of cancers? Their power seems to have no bounds. Additionally, the writing of the DSM was affected by Big …show more content…

As it stands, the DSM-5 is solely used to help psychiatrists and psychologists communicate with each other, place labels and diagnosis to determine if insurance agencies must pay for care. This is a book for Big Pharma because it doesn’t mention drugs and treatments that should be administered. There is no research on the biological causes of mental disorders. Prevention is not a key element in the DSM. Of course Big Pharma wouldn’t want to list preventions or mention which medications work best for which disorder because they like to change them all the time. It’s upsetting that causes of disorders are not mentioned or elaborated on. The DSMs atheoretical approach segregates the scientific theories on psychopathology, genetics, neurobiology, and the cognitive sciences. I believe these to be of the utmost importance; in order to, propel our health care into the

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