Big Mesothelioma Research Paper

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How has the Big Pharma ruined the American people throughout the years? "If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with Mesothelioma you may to be entitled to financial compensation. Mesothelioma is a rare cancer linked to asbestos exposure. Exposure to asbestos in the Navy, shipyards, mills, heating, construction or the automotive industries may put you at risk. Please don't wait, call 1-800-99 LAW USA today for a free legal consultation and financial information packet. Mesothelioma patients call now! 1-800-99 LAW USA" America has a lot of problems, but one of the biggest ones is the health of its citizens. From cancer to depression to AIDs to diabetes the Big Pharma has found a way to make bank on the health of its citizens. The Big Pharma …show more content…

Studies have shown that about 90 people die a day from an opioid overdose. According to “The Opiate Epidemic – A Conspicuous Conspiracy,” “The simple truth here is that the pharmaceutical industry makes a lot of money when people buy and then become addicted to opiate pain pills. From a business standpoint, pharmaceutical companies profit when people take drugs for pain, and those profits increase dramatically when addiction is involved as such pill pushers then have convenient, lifetime customers.” Many think the Big Pharma is the cause of the outbreak for the profit. They are money hungry and what is a better way of getting money than getting your citizens addicted? Nothing because with an addiction the people will do anything to get their hands on the drugs and pay whatever price is needed. On account that the Big Pharma is so money hungry would they ever release the cure for cancer? What about …show more content…

Endometriosis affects about one in ten women in the United States alone and about 200 million women in total. Endometriosis is a chronic inflammation condition of the uterus. The lining of the uterus grows outside and then attaches itself to things such as the ovaries or fallopian tubes. Endometriosis is one of the most pain conditions out there for women and the reason it is so pain is because of inflammation. As of now medication is a toss to help with the pain, you can get surgery to remove the cysts that it causes, but the only way for the endometriosis to be completely gone is to have a hysterectomy. Keep in mind that depending on the age of the woman that might not be in her vision at that moment. Treatment for this condition is very limited and this is where natural remedies come into play. Cannabidiol, better known as CBD oil, is well known for reducing inflammation. Why is this condition not being treated with medical marijuana. It has less harmful effects than medication would, it is cheaper, one would not have to go back every six to twelve months to get another surgery, and it is natural. By using medical marijuana one would keep the money train out of their uterus along with trying to live their life as best as possible while in dibillating

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