Big MAck

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Sunday Night Match – up: Big Mac vs. Whopper

By reading that comparison of the Big Mac and the Whopper, many pros and cons

came to mind. For every good thing the Big Mac has, the Whopper doesn’t, and for every

good thing the Whopper has, the Big Mac doesn’t. For instance, the Whopper has only one

beef patty that is only slightly larger than one of the Big Mac’s 2 beef patties. Both of thee

hamburgers are relatively the same price, yet both have different things to offer. The Big

Mac’s beef patties are fried, and the Whoppers patties are broiled. The broiled beef patties

are better for you healthwise then the fried patties are. The Big Mac still offers more to the

customer for the same price though. Or does it? The Whopper only uses 2 slices of bread,

while the Big Mac uses 3. The Whopper seems to be better for your health than the Big

Mac. Even though it doesn’t offer as much food, the nutritional value would be better for the

human consumption. The whopper has brolied beef, which is healthier than the Big Macs

Fried beef. The slices of onion that are on top of the Whopper could very possibly add up

to be more onion on top of the Big Mac, which would give the consumer more nutrition, and

worse breath. Once again the Whopper offers 2-3 slices of tomato while the Big Mac offers

lettuce. 2-3 slices of tomato is proven to have better nutrition than 1slice of lettuce. Both

ketchup and Mayonnaise are used as toppings on the Whopper. While only “sauce” is used

on the Big Mac. For all we know the Big Mac special sauce could be ground up rat meat

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