Biblical Teachings to Support Pacifism

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Biblical Teachings to Support Pacifism

In the Bible, there are varied situations reflecting the teaching of

war and peace, and Christians may have different views and opinions

concerning the morality of war and whether the right to use violence

can ever be justified. The Bible can be used to support many different


People who hold the view that war can never be justified and recognise

that there is evil in the world, but that evil cannot be overcome with

the use of weapons which harm and kill are known as pacifists.

Pacifists (are not only Christians) do fight against injustice and

aggression, but in a non-violent way.

Christian teaching about agape includes the belief that love should be

shown unconditionally to everyone so it is difficult for many

Christians to see how loving someone could involve killing them in a


The verse in Micah, "…Nation will not take up sword against nation…",

may be interpreted as meaning that peace is a feature of the kingdom

of God and so therefore Christians should be peaceful themselves.

Much of the New Testament is about agape and peace and some may say

that this is because Jesus had not come in the Old Testament (which

suggests war and violence) and Jesus showed the nature of God much

more clearly.

Several verses such as; "Love your enemies, and pray for those who

persecute you."(Matthew 5:44) and "If someone strikes you on the right

cheek, turn to him the other also." (Matthew 5:39). This may support

the view that violence is never acceptable and Jesus is teaching that

the right response to aggression is love, and Christians should not

behave violently even when they are attacked.

Most Christians may also try to follow the example of Jesus. They may

demonstrate this by behaving in the same way that Jesus behaved, may

say that due to the way Jesus reacted at his arrest and the fact that

he would not allow people to use violence to defend him, so therefore

violence is wrong and peaceful methods of defence should always be

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