Beware Of The Thunder Theme Essay

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Carly DenBaas November 17, 2017 1st hour Theme: the Basis of a Story “A theme is the clothesline to which people will peg their facts, quotes, and anecdotes”-unknown. A theme is a message about life or human nature that the writer shares with the reader. The theme often tells or gives advice to the reader. Theme is important to the story because leads to an understanding of the characters motivations, teaches the reader an important lesson, and it connects all parts of the story. To begin, one example of a story with evident theme is Beware of the Thunder, by Jennifer Dignan. This story is told in a play format. The theme of the story is that there are consequences for one’s actions. Rip, one of the main characters, goes into …show more content…

The theme of this story is do not take risks without weighing the consequences. This story is a Greek myth retold by Sally Benson. The Flight of Icarus is about Theseus who escaped from Labyrinth, a structure used to hold a Minotaur. Daedalus, the builder of the structure, did not build the structure complex enough and Theseus escaped. As a punishment, King Minos had Daedalus locked in a tower on an island in the ocean. With his son Icarus on the island with him, he found a way to escape the tower, but now had to find a way off the island. Since each ship was thoroughly searched to ensure that Daedalus and his son had not escaped the island, the only way off the island was by air. No human had ever flown before. Daedalus carefully examined the movement of bird’s wings before making his own wings. Once Daedalus and Icarus’ wings were finished, they started to fly. Unfortunately, Icarus decided to fly high enough to reach heaven, and the sun began to melt his wings and he fell to the ocean and died. Theme was evident because if he had thought about his risks, he would have

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