Best High School Website Essay

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What Do the Best High School Websites Have in Common?

For school owners, administrators, and faculty, putting up a website is a necessity in today’s high-tech world. Just like any other business, enterprise, or organization, a school needs to establish its strong and proper presence online.

A website is essential for any academic institution these days because it is the first thing that children (and their parents) look at when searching for a good school to enroll in. Almost everybody searches for information online, and a school without a proper website (or with a poorly maintained one) misses out on the opportunity to showcase its credentials — which in turn leads to missed opportunities for additional enrollees.

These days, a website …show more content…

An aspect related to good design of a website is its ability to embody the unique culture and identity of the school it represents. Think of a school website as the organization’s “face” to the online public. Thus, it should communicate the school’s mission, vision, values, and principles well—not just through words but through its visual elements. For example, the school colors can be the anchor theme of the website colors. If the school has an official typeface or other logos, these should ideally be used in the website as well. The photos showing school officials, students, activities, etc. should also look professional and credible.

• The best high school websites have rich content. Part of any good website is good content. This not only means that the copy is well-written and free from errors or inaccuracies, but that the website has loads of interesting and useful information by way of articles, photos, videos, and other media. Content should be updated regularly and as often as possible — this is what keeps online visitors coming back to the website. There is nothing more disappointing than a school website that has nothing new to say or show. It speaks poorly of the kind of management and culture that the school

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