Best Buy Evaluation

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Electronics websites are a strange beast at least in the way they advertise online. A majority of electronics companies choose to specialize in only a few products. Many also choose not to advertise on social media at all like in the case of Apple, and instead focus on the customer being able to find what they want or need offering advice and assistance in order to push a sale. Electronics stores also make sales on products through sponsors or reviews. My choice for a high-end website is Central Computers, my medium-end website is Best Buy, and my low-end website is Wal-Mart. The website I chose for my high-end selection was Best Buy. With the services they provide and the high-end products they offer Best Buy has the largest selection of these products and a large amount of stores throughout the world. Best Buy’s personal website is sleek and easy to navigate. Best Buy also offers their Geek Squad repair and installation service. In which they provide set up, virus removal, and protection plans for a variety of devices. Best Buy’s Twitter page has a large following and appears to be active with its community. Best Buy posts about new products as well as sales and discount opportunities. Best Buy’s Facebook page has a handle on their promotional posts and responses with customers. They post …show more content…

As I stated in my clothing essay is a very busy and unorganized site, once again not unbearable but, it is very pushy with the amount of products and ads on the site. Walmart’s Instagram page features very few electronics advertisements but this is to be expected since they are a department store and electronics are not their primary focus. Wal-Mart’s Facebook page shows that they respect their customers, with quick replies to customer problems and posts about donations. Wal-Mart’s Twitter page has little to do with their sale of electronics, but they have been posting a lot about charity events and other

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