Beowulf Is Not A Hero Essay

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Many people have read the tale of “Beowulf” and consider him a hero to the town of Herot. For 13 years Herot was cursed with a demon named Grendel which hunted down innocent citizens. Grendel was only mad because of the large parties held at the Hall. Just as Herot seemed helpless a “hero” named Beowulf showed up. Beowulf isn’t a hero because he used the issue to promote himself, not bring order to Herot. A large problem with Beowulf was that he was attention seeking all the time. We learn that Beowulf was the prince of the Geats and had heard of the troubled times of Herot. From the beginning he was going out for attention. He assembled the strongest men of the Geats and was destined to approach the king and go in and save the country. When his me finally land, he goes to see the king and makes a huge big deal about how good he was and how bad Grendel was. This not …show more content…

When Grendel first walk into the hall he lets an innocent soldier get eaten alive and acts like nothing happens. In the end he killed Grendel but didn’t make sure that everything else as safe. He just assumed that the job in Herot was done and zoned out. If he had kept his guard up he could have stopped Grendel’s Mom from killing Hrothgar's best friend. Beowulf didn’t plan and in return, failed in completely protecting Herot. He might have killed Grendel, but his mother still killed more innocent people. Beowulf is a great tale but as a person, he isn’t that all that people make him out to be. In his older years his need for attention and glory ended up with the death of him. He fought the dragon alone and in return, ended up killing the dragon, but also sacrificed himself. Even as he died he asked for one thing, his people to build him a memorial near the sea so everyone could see the person that he was. His need for attention, lack of planning, and need for glory caused him to be just a prideful man, not a

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