Beowulf Hero Characteristics

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When someone asks one to think of a hero, one will often think of Ironman, Superman, Spiderman, or Hulk. People with amazing powers and incredible costumes. Heroes are strong, mighty, and protect the innocent and helpless. There are many different heroes; however, one would not usually think of Beowulf, or other fairytale characters. Although not on the top of the list, Beowulf is nothing short of a hero. Beowulf possesses many characteristics of a hero such as strength, compassion, empathy, courage, and determination. After all a hero is defined by character, not appearances.
Beowulf is the strong and courageous prince of the Geats. At the start of the epic Beowulf, Beowulf arrives in Hrothgar with his men to kill the beast Grendel, a descendant

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