Benefits and hindrances of Algae

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Algae is "a plant or plantlike organism of any several phyla, divisions, or classes of chiefly aquatic usually chlorophyll-containing nonvascular organisms", and it is most commonly seen in areas where it is moist, or damp, and can grow on both land and water. Algae is most commonly seen and found in places such as on rocks or in lakes or ponds. Algae is a type of organism that although, can be very beneficial to the environment, it can also be one that can cause harm to humans as well. Some benefits and hindrances of algae are that it is a form of micro-logical biomass, and it is also not seen to be likely but it can also purify waste waters as well, but to the negatives its toxins that it may release can also be very harmful to both humans and things we eat such as fish.

The benefits of algae surprisingly can actually be very numerous, and one very important one is that algae is that it can be cultivated to have a high protein and oil content level which can very beneficial for both people and animals. It can be useful in such was such as being used to produce biofuels and animal food such as feed for cattle. This is a major plus to algae as it can be significantly rich in nutrients that can help boost the health of people as well as give people a very significant boost of dietary supplements. This is good for animals and people as it is proven that micro-algae contains important nutritious things such as proteins, carbohydrates, antioxidants as well as vitamins. This can be a very bright sign of increasing the certain use of algae.

The things that algae is able to provide for both the health of humans and animals is greatly, but being able to protect our health is just as good or even better than that. Algae has proven ...

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"Algae Growth Environments – Terrestrial/Land, Aquatic/Water Algae Habitat, Algal Habitats - Oilgae - Oil from Algae." N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Feb. 2014.

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"Why Microalgae for Feeds." RSS A4F MicroAlgae for Food. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Feb. 2014.

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