Benefits Of Yoga

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Yoga is known to be at least 5,000 years old and an ancient, Indian art that promotes health both physical and mental exercise and deep relaxation. Yoga fits in an any individual's religious or spiritual practice. Yoga is considered as the deep relaxation technique. Anyone of any life situation, age, religion can practice yoga and gain benefit from practicing it. Yoga is the practice of putting the body into different postures while maintaining deep controlled breathing. By focusing on the breath entering and leaving your body, we perform an exercise in concentration. I would like to share my experience with yoga .I have chosen yoga for several reasons. Based on previous experiences. One of my cousin met with an accident he almost lost his …show more content…

People are using prescribed drugs by doctors which are on the rise due to the increasing need for people to deal with their stress and anxiety. However, many people are searching for new ways to be less stressed and live a happy and healthy life without drugs. If stress and anxiety are getting the best of you, then think about grabbing a mat and start practicing yoga. Yoga and meditation are most powerful tools to live life more peaceful and …show more content…

Yoga is not a one-size-fits-all type of exercise. The beauty of yoga is that anyone at any age, including the elders, can practice this ancient art. Yoga is a combination of physical exertion and mental discipline through which body and mind are controlled. One who practices Yoga will have the good attitude and gain flexibility through the continuous stretching and repetition of the poses. When I am feeling stressed and need to relax I find myself trying to execute the pose of "Uttanasana" or "Savasana" which are very helpful poses to find myself relaxed. Many of the other poses were there but I feel these two postures are very easy to practice. The Poses of Dandasana, Hasta Dandasana and Tadasana are also very important poses which required the correct position of the feet, legs, hand, and head. Learning and practicing this posture is very important in Yoga . My Favorite pose is Savasana because it is very relaxing .After a long day of work or classes, this pose help me to let go of everything from that day and concentrate on relaxing all of my muscles and releasing all of my stress. My second favorite pose is Uttanasana because it releases stress and helps stretching the entire body. When executing this pose one can feel tension in their legs but my focus is on my head and the position of my entire body not just legs. .Advantages to practicing this yoga include an increase in circulation

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