Benefits Of Sorghum

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Sorghum is the fifth most important cereal crop by area planted in the world, grown in nearly 100 countries and supporting more than 300 million lives in Africa and Asia. It is an important staple crop in the arid and semi-arid tropics, acting as principal source of energy and other nutrients for millions of the poor people. The tolerance of sorghum to drought and good adaptation to marginal growing conditions makes it a suitable crop for the semi-arid tropics. Sorghum is inexpensive and nutritionally comparable or even superior to major cereals [1]. The grains are rich in several phytochemicals and trace minerals because of which, these are now considered as “nutritious grains”. Sorghum is used in many food preparations, the most common forms being boiled grains or ground flour. More than 80% of global …show more content…

The important nutritional implication of phytic acid is that it interacts with proteins, vitamins, and several minerals, thereby restricting their bio-extractability [7]. Phytic acid also complexes with micronutrients in other foods during intestinal digestion. It is therefore important to reduce phytate content in the seeds to improve micronutrient bioavailability and phosphorus utilisation. Though phytic acid interferes with the iron bioavailability, the same property of iron binding is now considered as positive since excess iron increases oxidative

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