Benefits Of Social Coercion

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Coercion is the act of affecting someone's behavior with ways such as force, threats, deceit, or anything beyond reasoning and evidence. When it comes to the Government, Mill believes that the Government has a strict limit as to how it can coerce its citizens. The Government is meant to protect our civil liberties and prevent others from harming people. So, in order to protect our civil liberties, the Government must take some of them away with such laws for example, making murder illegal. In terms of social coercion, according to Mill, it is only acceptable to coerce someone in order to prevent them from harming others, this excludes Paternalism which is preventing people from harming themselves. Mill does not believe in Paternalism, because allowing people to do what they want when it comes to themselves is the cost of freedom and it is how people define their character. …show more content…

The goal of life is the development of your abilities in accordance to your personality, which require freedom. The four benefits of freedom of speech include, the majority opinion may be incorrect and without freedom of speech there may never be a reform, we may learn new truths by arguing false views, uncontested beliefs do not equal knowledge, and uncontested beliefs lose all meaning and positive effects on your behavior. Mill’s argument defending why it is important for people to have freedom states that every person is different from one another, and people need to be able to find out what makes them happy through experimental action and not by being coerced by society or the government. What works best for some people, may not be the best option for

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