Beloved Essay

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Across the world today, children, teenagers, and young adults attend school. Some come from wealthy families, some big families, and others from homeless shelters. Some walk, some bike, some drive, and others bus to make it to classes. Some sit on rugs and floors, while others sit on desks. Some learn in large classes, and others learn in small classes. Some thrive in mathematical studies, and others excel in language and composition studies. While each student comes into school with a different background, they are all given the right to an education. The education they receive can bring opportunity otherwise not available, and welcome normality into life. Education can be the key to finding control in one’s life. In the novel Beloved, …show more content…

The right to education organization explains the purpose for these rights: Both individuals and society benefit from the right to education. It is fundamental for human, social, and economic development and a key element to achieving lasting peace and sustainable development. It is a powerful tool in developing the full potential of everyone and ensuring human dignity, and in promoting individual and collective wellbeing.
In Beloved, there there are many situations that help show how because education was not inserted as a right, especially to the african americans, the characters stayed tied to their pasts and were unable to develop to their full potentials; all except Denver who began to bloom at the end due to bringing herself to become educated. However, another intriguing aspect to Sethe and education in the book is schoolteacher, who is never properly named, beats her and lets his nephews rape her, and eventually leads her to kill her baby, Beloved. With such scarce mention of school and education, having one of the antagonists be a school teacher conflicts with the quote. The schoolteacher was so powerful himself he took away Sethe’s dignity, and individual wellbeing. This leads to the point that education given back then was not at all equal to everyone, as it says in the rights today. As well as the fact, he was educating slaves at the times takes a which would be extremely different from education in

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