Being Grateful Research Paper

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Being Grateful

School, in my eyes, used to be the closest thing to jail. I complained to my parents constantly, telling them I didn’t want to go to school and that I would do anything to stay home. One day, my mom must have gotten tired of me complaining because she gave me a long talk about how every day you are alive is a great day. She made me realize how good I have it. After that, my view on school and life itself was never the same, I wanted to change it because I used to just focus on the negatives rather than the positives. I hated having to go to school for five days every week. I hated having to get up early so I could sit in a classroom all day and learn about a bunch of boring subjects that I had no interest in. After I got that talk, I started being thankful for all the great things I had every day. I thought of all the positives that came with school, I got to see my friends every day, we had recess twice a day, and there was no homework, I didn’t realize that the memories coming from elementary school would stick with me for such a long time. Now every day, I think of how lucky I am to have such a great life, and I try to make great memories. I realize that …show more content…

Kids my age in some other countries can’t play sports because they are surrounded by war or something of that nature, others might have a job so they can help their family out, which holds them back from doing any after school activities they always wanted to do. A lot of it is just the small things that we get every day and don’t think twice about. I barely even thought about how nice it was that my family had cars to get my brothers and I to school every day until I started noticing all the kids that had to walk to school in the cold mornings either because both their parents had jobs or because they simply couldn’t afford a car. I believe that everyone has something to be grateful for in just about any situation, whether it is big or

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