Being An Honors Student Essay

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What does it mean to be an honors student? The definition of the word honors is, a privilege; student means, someone who has interest in a particular subject. So a honors student is a privileged person who has interest in a particular subject. This can be a contradiction to itself if that who is the honors student does not take that subject studied as a privilege. Being an honors student you have to have a love for that subject, have a personality to fit the obligation, and have skills that suit the subject. One who studies the subject not enjoying doing the work will have a consequence on the overall outcome. As a honors student, and in the past disliked working hard and did not see the privilege of english literature and language education, it was painful to complete homework tasks and lessons. Then becoming an honors student who understands the importance and the privilege of education completing tasks and assignments without feeling pained, but completing tasks joyfully and willingly. Just that small perspective can change the process of completing assignments and becoming a true honors student. “The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read” (Mark Twain), an honors student who studies the subject, but not fully seeing the privilege of studying …show more content…

Having an open mind and being willing to think in multiple ways to get an answer. Taking the honors courses loads involves the student to spend time outside of class and school hours studying and preparing for assignments and lessons. The amount of effort one puts in will be expressed in the final outcome. An honors student has to realize that to be a good honors student putting in the time and effort on a daily basis is the solution to succeeding and advancing in

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