Being Adopted

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Growing older and moving through the different stages of life is phenomenal. At times when I sit and think about this whole construct of life it becomes too over-whelming for my mind to contain / comprehend . The sheer process of getting older is an experience in itself. It could be compared to an ongoing experiment with the practical session being our life. Constantly testing theories and ideas we (are living) live according to the results. And as we reach conclusions based on the assessment of (our findings) results we only go on to question those results further down the line // because our mindset has shifted and the results now can be interpreted differently. (And so (life) it can feel like constant re-evaluation of the past according the person we are at any specific period in our life). I was oblivious to many things while growing up, especially regarding my parents. It's only as I've got older that I'm able to appreciate and acknowledge what they did for me. I don't believe I'm the only one in that respect. I think we're all susceptible to the condition called emotional immaturity and their friend the blindness of youth. One of the things I've realised about my parents was how pure they were in their intentions and part of that purity was their blindness to colour. I could have easily been another child writing this and that child being Black. Before having me my parents fostered an African girl, her name was Janine. We still have the photos of her. She was very black, of the more darker African complexions. As I write this I'm wondering where she may be now. I can't remember why my parents couldn't adopt her but they wanted to. I remember my mum describing how they adored Janine but how heartbroken they were when she wa... ... middle of paper ... ...nd then found myself to be distinctively not like the reaction I found myself / the way I found myself reacting to certain situations) and pretend they wouldn't have an issue with this or that but when faced with a reality of embracing the scenario it can be a very different story. And that's through no fault of their own. I included will believe and think I am capable or ready for something I've never experienced before and when I am confronted with the reality I have been very surprised by my own reactions. Reactions that I was not prepared for and however much I may have disliked what I was seeing about my personality through the reaction I couldn't deny that it wasn't happening. My parents could have said they had no problem with other ethnic children but when confronted with the reality they may have learnt that in fact they were not prepared for the situation.

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