Being A Sniper Essay

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I am reaching what kind of tiring snipers go through. I will try to get most of my information from google. So most of the snipers go through acutely all snipers go through a school to learn how to be a good sniper in the field. They have to learn how to overcome the elements of the world like wind, air temperature, and gravity. But they have to be good at marksmanship, observation, and stalking. Now I am going to tell you some stuff about what they do to be ready for the field, it’s the big things that they train on. Observation training the snipers play a game called KIM S game they instructors will place items in the field, then the snipers have to look at them, and go for a full day of practices, then at the end of the day write down what they saw, as they go on there is more items and less time. The stalk training is another game the play in a grassy field there are two instructors that set in a car or a tower with spotting scopes, and there are two people walking around, if anyone see you fail so the sniper has to crawl from one thousand meters to one hundred fifty meters and take the shot …show more content…

The M-21 is a big gun it is a semi-automatic the shell is a 7.62x51mm NATO cartridge and it is also made by the United States army, and the PSG-1 is a semi-automatic the shell is 7.62x51 NATO cartridge it is also made by the Germans. Both of these guns are called match grade rifles, which are rifles that are finely tuned by a professional gunsmith. The military snipers like the bolt action rifles because there are not as many moving parts and not as many things can go wrong with them. The snipers that they use cost about eight-thousand to fifteen-thousand and that’s not the shells, or the site the sight that they get is about anywhere from five-hindered by one-hindered, then you got bullets and they aren’t cheap either they are about twenty dollars a

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