Before You Know Kindness Themes

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Drama surrounds the average teenager’s life. Peer pressure sweeps teenagers into a black hole, and family judgement has made teens’ lives miserable. Charlotte knows this all too well, and desperately tries to find herself over the summer at the family cabin. Everything goes wrong before it goes right. Before you know kindness is a novel written by Chris Bahjalian showing the struggles of the modern age teenager, and the stories that happen behind closed door. Through descriptive and intense character development, conflict, and a melancholy plot, Before you know kindness is a book people will be begging to read. One of the main reasons people will love this novel is the intense conflict between Charlotte and her family members. This summer the trip is different. Charlotte recently turned thirteen years old. Charlotte wishes to be seventeen and is destined to prove her maturity level, even to her grandmother. Charlotte brings a very revealing two piece suit to the country club’s swimming …show more content…

Like many great novels, Before you know kindness starts out slow. The amount of pages, and the amount of complex words could cause a ninth grader to give up. Ninth graders could also put the book back, and look for a much easier book. The print of the book could also deceive the reader from how fast they turn once you get into the book, and how thrilling the ending is. The conclusion to before you know kindness is an interesting one. Spencer threatens to sue Willow’s father, and Charlotte knows she has to confess. Once she does the family grows together and is stronger than ever. Willow is punished, but she and her parents go on a hiking trip together. Spencer takes this time to spread the world about drugs and the safety of guns, especially with teens. Charlotte’s mother stops her wrong doings and starts to pay more attention and praise Charlotte. The last few chapters will have the reader in tears of

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