Becket Honor Quotes

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Sam Noyce Reflective Living Group One: Throughout the play we discussed the issue of honor. Explain this concept as it relates to the following characters: Becket, Henry, Louis, Folliot and Gwendolyn. Throughout the play Becket, the issue of honor revolves around many characters. Honor can be referred to as esteem, value, or great respect. In honoring a person you put value on that person and think of them as worthy. To honor someone is to value him highly or bestow value upon him. In the Bible Peter tells says honor is to, “honor all people, love the brotherhood, fear God, honor the king” (1 Peter 2:17). But honor can come to people in many different ways such as honoring a possession, a person, God or a being of power, or just honoring …show more content…

Becket’s honor comes from the honor of serving God. Becket serves God by working to bring the honor of God and the Honor of the King to become one. This is seen as he says, “I’m waiting for the honor of God and the honor of the King to become one” (62). Becket receives honor in putting God over his material, power, and personal desires and even over his loved ones knowing it is what God wants from him. For King Henry, honor relates to him in a very different way. For Henry, honor comes from his high power and obtaining and gaining power by ruling over others. King Henry says, “we went in hand in hand to conquer, pillage and ransom England. We quarrel, we try to cheat each other of a penny or two” (72). From Henry’s quote he shows where he gets his honor from. He shows that by ruling over those less powerful than him and by conquering more wealth he gets honor through superiority over other beings. For King Louis, his honor is similar to King Henrys. Louis similarly gets his honor through power over people and the pride he gets from that knowing he can control those under him. In the play, Becket,

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