Beauty In Romeo And Juliet

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A beauty and quite the sight to behold, the breathtaking Juliet of Verona has died. She was Capulet and Lady Capulet’s only child, birthed when her mother was younger than she. As a child Juliet's stubbornness and headstrong attitude made her a handful to take care of. While some of her attitude went away with time, some of her stubbornness remained. Many have described her as beautiful, including her deceased love Romeo Montague. Upon seeing her he said, “O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright!… Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear…Did my heart love till now? forswear it, sight! For I ne’er saw true beauty till this night” (I, iv, 44-53). Capulet has said even Paris became taken with her. Light has been shed on recent events proving that while short, Juliet lived a full life. …show more content…

Her Nurse recalls her happiness that night and says Romeo and Juliet met in secret many times after. Although each came from a different feuding families, a beautiful relationship sprung forth. Shortly after meeting, the two got married. The two were so in love that they couldn’t stand life without the other. Romeo said “Ha, banishment! be merciful, say ‘death’; For exile hath more terror in his look, much more that death” (III, iii, 13-15) after hearing about his exile. Again, the two still found a way to see each other once more. Nothing could stop Romeo and Juliet from being

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