Beauty Ideas In Eurocentric Beauty In Don T Touch My Beauty

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Eurocentric beauty ideas have the perspective of what society tends to accept. In 2016 SOLANGE embodied the struggles and triumphs in celebration of being black with her album, Cranes in the Sky. Her ninth track on the album, “Don’t Touch My Hair,” did not shy away from the standard and theme previous tracks on the album set. The hit song express a journey of self-acceptance and love that many black girls and women experience starting at the roots of their hair. In the song SOLANGE also covers how people who don’t have black hair often don’t understand all of the controversy that comes along with it. Learning to love and accept oneself for who they truly are can be an onerous task; once knowledge is learned about different cultures and races we as a society should be able to see what holds us back and remove the burdensome stereotypes that affect us daily. In this late 2010’s era where more black women are wearing their natural hair and expressing themselves more freely without the worry of how others may perceive them, SOLANGE hits the media with her song “Don’t Touch My Hair,” an ode to black girls some say. Despite the songs title it’s deeper that just hair; it goes all the way down to the roots. In the 1800’s Madame CJ Walker, an African-American woman, invented the world’s first straightening
After years of being burdened by unattainable beauty standards SOLANGE embodies and uplifts black beauty in “Don’t Touch My Hair”. Even in the songs music video SOLANGE creates images of black people in unorthodox hairstyles and they’re able to embrace the culture and beauty without the fear of exploitation. The song teaches through metaphors, idioms, and hyperboles that who we are is nothing to be ashamed of and just as the title says one must protect not only their hair but their being, soul, spirit, mind, intellect, feelings and all of the factors that make them who they

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