Beauty And The Beast, Prince Adam Or Beast

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Towards the end of the movie, Beast says,“I’ve never felt this way about anyone. I want to do something for her.” The Beast has more to his name than just being mean, unkind, and terrifying. There is more to what meets the eye, and in Beast’s situation he is kind, loving, and friendly once one gets to know him. Throughout the play Beauty and the Beast , Prince Adam or Beast evolves from a character that is severely misunderstood to a character who is seen as kind to those close to him, less judgemental to those who are in different places in life than him, and more open to the concept of love.

Beast was heartless and small-minded on the outside, but kind loving in the inside. The ones who were the closes are the ones he cared for the most. At first, Beast assumed negative things about all people until Belle gave him a chance and didn't judge so quick. He was misunderstood, because of his background and his appearance. Give all people a chance and don't just assume. So, the take away from this is that in life we need to not be so quick to judge, but to hear the person out. …show more content…

One with anger, frustration, and a complicated past usually have trust issues and to let someone in like Beast did for Belle is hard. Love is something people in society need to show more of and not hate. The curse in Beauty and the Beast states that “If he could learn to love another and earn her love in return by the time the last petal fell, then the spell would be broken. If not, he would be doomed to remain a beast for all time”(“Disney Wiki”). Beast was lost and hopeless until Belle took her father Maurices place in the jail cell. So, the thing that a person needs to take away from this is that love is the thing people with a complicated past need most not more

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