Beach Descriptive Writing

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The crisp, blue water of the deep blue is a world untold, filled with mystery and gaze that I often enjoy the company of, when the opportunity is granted.
The magnificent smell I get stepping out on the hot, beige sand of salty air, of fresh emerald sea weed. The smoothness of the sand running between my toes, and the first leap into the icy blue freshness that bursts onto my body with the gush of the powerful waves. The force of the waves pushing you back and limbness of letting her take you aback.
I sit with the smooth sand running between my fingers and stare at her beauty and watch as the dark blue turns to light then to white as the process of the crashing waves as they make base on the shore line ahead. The sun radiating heat on my skin, I sit and stare at this beauty, and the sunken treasures she hold below. …show more content…

The light, mahogany wood of the fallen vessels that once roamed her unforgiving forces on top. The thrilling danger of her natural defences is something I find myself fantasising about as she protects and fends off unwanted visitors. Her power is not obtainable thus making her invincible, giving an everlasting source of beauty for the welcomed eye. The burn in my eyes and the salt on my tongue are worth the struggle as her gorgeous body never dissatisfies. The shimmer on my skin from the melon scented lotion is no comparison to the radiant blue shine she boasts to the world. Her inner most workings are of vast complexities that work with her natural allies. The sound of the gulls fishing for the one who dares to take a breath from deep below. As like the sound of the crackling from the pink corals that house the

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