Basketball Court Descriptive Writing

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The basketball court is a place, filled with confidence, teamwork, which enhance the ability of the student to their full potential. However, it is filled with a dose of emptiness and at the same time darkness stretched miles across the gym. Although it was seven in the morning, the gym was as quiet as the streets downtown at midnight. Other than darkness and emptiness, the basketball court was filled with high pitch sounds of mosquito flying around. The basketball court was as cold as the the north pole. If you ever wonder how cold the north pole is, it is as cold as the gym. HAHAHAHA funny joke right?

‘Tic toc, tic toc’, as the hour hand reaches eight o’clock, the lights shines as bright as the sun, covered the place with a sense of excitement. People started to walk into the basketball court, hanging limitless smiles on their face. Competitors are mentally and physically preparing themself for what is about to take place. The match started with Team Billy and Team John. Two hundred screaming fans for Billy, and two hundred screaming fans on away team. The overheated arena, full of excited and red-faced fans, smelled like an old gym shoe. …show more content…

Fans are screaming and tempers on the court are flaring, they bounced up and down like the basketball. Their eyes are as stiff as poker, concentrating on the basketball. The intense momentum is driving everyone crazy. Especially when Billy passed the basketball back to Bob and made the basket. The basketball is like a bird flying through the air and swish gos basketball in the hoop. It was an impressive moment. Other than the crowd cheering, the other team's coach was screaming at the referee to get a foul called, and instead having a technical called on him for being

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