Bartleby The Scrivener Essay

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"Bartleby the Scrivener” "Bartleby the Scrivener” is a story writer by Herman Melville published in1853 that now is one of the most famous American short stories.The story is about Bartleby who was hired by a Wall Street lawyer to copy legal documents by hand. Bartleby was a well motivated employee who also was capable to process a large volume of work with high quality when he start working at the lawyer office. But suddenly he start refusing to do any task by simple answer to any request with the simple phrase “I could prefer not to”. What produce in Bartley this remarkable change in his attitude ? What is the true about Bartleby mental health? Trough the reading we could discover the development of the character of Bartleby, analyzing …show more content…

One day the lawyer arrived to the office at unexpected time and discover that Bartleby was living at the office. He asked Bartleby to open the door and Bartleby refused repeating the same sentence “I could prefer not to”. Soon the tenants notice that Bartleby was seating in the stairs all day and he also sleeps at the doorway. The tenants ask the lawyer to offer a solution for that situation. They thought that the lawyer was responsible for Bartleby behavior because he permitted that Bartleby not take responsibility for his actions.As a result the Lawyer in order to ovoid conflict with his business associates move his office out and offer a Bartleby the opportunity to move with him. But Bartleby refused to move with him. Later the lawyer comeback and found out that Bartleby has been arrested and send it to the Tombs. The lawyer visited him at the jail, and he noticed that Bartleby continue with the same posture. When the lawyer saw him at the jail he was in a corner on silence, just looking to the wall. At that moment Bartleby refused consuming any food too. The Lawyer was preoccupied by Bartleby situation and give money to Turkey to feed him. A few days later when the lawyer return to visited Bartleby he found out that he was dead by

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