Ban The Burns

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Tanning is a common fator in this generation. Particularly female teenagers ages 18 to 21 are most likely to engage in tanning from looking at models and other media who have the sun kissed glowing skin in any season. Young viewers see attractive adult women, which lead them to believe a "natural" looking tan is more desirable and wonder, "How do they have beautiful skin without spending hours at a beach?" Indoor tanning beds provide a more time efficient and productive way of tanning. After a couple of tanning appointments, your skin tone slightly darkens and you have directly increased your chances of skin cancer. Teenagers in high school and college are at the biggest risk because they are more likely to develope bad tanning habits from their peers. Some people believe tanning in tanning beds is safer for the body because you avoid the natural suns harmful rays, but the common tanning bed gives off deadly ultra violet light. Don't be convinced that the beds are safer simply by containing more UVA than UVB rays. UVA rays are just as lethal and dangerous as UVB rays, and the theory that tanning beds are healthy and necessary for Vitamin D Absorption is commonly misunderstood. Teenagers who utilize indoor tanning in a early stage are very sesepable to skin cancer later on and the government devotes little to no attention on addressing underage tanning. If tanning is a "right" then drug abuse is a "right" as well. What is the difference? Both can kill you. Phyical effects of tanning can have a death risk on young women. The government addresses the harms of drunk driving, and drug abuse, but nothing toward the deadly tans. Everytime you use a tanning bed, massive contrations of ultra violet light is exposed to your body, harsher... ... middle of paper ... ...ny people realize that skin cancer can't be seen with the human eye untill its to late. All but one student from the Richfield Springs College Now English class either have or know someone with skin cancer. However, taking action in our society and banning tanning is not going to lesson the amount of skin cancer. For instance, a 16 year old girl is banned in her state from tanning, she is upset but obeys the law, then the day she becomes of age, returns to her local tanning salon. What did the laws gain? Nothing, so to prevent this we need to revise what is being taught in schools and demand more education on tanning. Drugs and aclohal are a common subject in the classroom, so would it be diffucult to add a small education lesson on tanning? The skin cancer, although may be fatal, is entirely preventable and raising awareness at a young age may help to save lives.

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