Bahrani 99 Home

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99 Homes is an upcoming thriller dedicated to Roger Ebert and directed by Rahmin Bahrani and it does not dissapoint. This film tells the story of single father Dennis Nash, portrayed beautifully by Andrew Garfield, who is down on his luck and gets evicted from his home due to the lack of work in construction. However the story is not as simple as it seems with Bahrani trying to expose the underbelly of the real estate business. Nash must then make a deal with the devil and work for the same man who evicted him, the callous Rick Carver, who is played by Michael Shannon, in an attempt to get his home back and then some. Nash is then forced to do Carver's legal and illegal dirtywork and evict other people from their homes though in the process must maintain his humanity, a word that Carver would never know the meaning of. It's a battle between his conscious and his survival that does not give you give you a minute to relax for the 112 minutes of the film. Bahrani does an incredible job creating some of the most intense sequences that I have seen in the past couple of years. In fact, certain sequences of this film are down right hard to watch and will have you squiriming in your seat. Though even with the masterful directing of Bahrani, the highlight of this film is without a doubt Andrew Garfield who does some of the best acting of his career. He makes you feel Nash's struggle between doing the right thing and …show more content…

The main problem I had with the film was how much Lomax was in it. I understand that this film needs to have Dennis' child in order to help develop Dennis but it becomes old very fast and is almost distracting from the story as a whole. The beginning of the film is also fairly hard to follow and Garfield and Shannon's accents caught me a bit off guard though that feeling quickly subsided and from then on the film never looks back and constantly builds suspense with incredibile second and third

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