Background Information of Chromatic Adaptation

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This paper will cover all of the information that is necessary to learn about the background information of chromatic adaptation and how it has come so far to this day. Chromatic adaptation is one aspect of vision that may trick your eyes in seeing things differently than they really are. There are many things in your daily life where chromatic adaptation occurs and you most likely won’t even realize it. For example “when you see a white piece of paper inside away from the natural sunlight the paper should look white, but once you view the paper outside in the natural sunlight the paper may seem bluish due to the sky’s waves hitting that piece of paper”( Sabine Süsstrunk, 2011)
Chromatic adaptation is defined as: “the alteration by photosynthesizing organisms of the proportions of their photosynthetic pigments in response to the intensity and color of the available light, as shown by algae in the littoral zone, which change from green to red as the zone is descended.” (Collins English Dictionary, 2009)

(Science Buddies)
Chromatic adaptation is often looked at as mind tricks but I think it is a lot more than that, “Chroma” means color and adaptation, which could also be looked at as adapting to change. I believe that your eyes are just adapting to the change in the picture and making you see that picture differently. For instance, when you look at the black dot on the upper half of the picture for thirty seconds then look at the lower half of the picture you can’t even tell that the second picture is half blue and half yellow; this is because your eyes have adapted to staring at the yellow and blue picture beforehand and it just looks natural to your eyes. Notice in the upper half of the picture and the bottom half of the pictur...

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... establishment of probability. While visiting Freiburg, Kries was asked to help a world profound scientist with his work for reasons unknown Kries declined his offer. Kries has been called Helmholtz's “greatest disciple”. (Herrn E. Hering, 2013)
Chromatic Adaptation has been studied for many years and by many different scientists. Scientists today are using chromatic adaptation to test the eyes of everyday people and how fast their eyes react to this visual affect.

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