Background Checks Argumentative Essay

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I encourage you to advocate for background checks as well as better school climate. There have been far too many school shootings in recent years, and after Parkland, gun control has been a prevalent topic on people’s minds.

Many are concerned that their Second Amendment will be violated, which states that, “the right of people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” However, background checks will not infringe on this right. Ensuring that those who have a such a powerful weapon are mentally fit to possess it is a non-partisan approach to gun control. The background check should screen for violent tendencies that can be shown through domestic or animal abuse, as well as past violations.

When stricter gun laws are discussed, many proponents of looser gun control laws (especially the NRA) can argue that whatever is done, criminal will still find a way to access guns and ammo. However, the same can be stated for any law. By taking a proactive approach to gun control with stricter background checks, many criminals will not have the easy access to powerful weapons that they do now. Stephen P. Halbrook in the article “Gun Control Laws Won’t Stop Las Vegas-type Massacres,” states that “‘Gun control’ is code for unconstitutionally …show more content…

In the article “Here’s How To Prevent The Next School Shooting, Experts Say,” Anya Kamenetz states that, “...the kids who bring weapons to school are reporting tons of victimization.” Therefore, it is important to focus on mental health in schools and ensuring that no student is ostracized. In addition, it is important that the school does not develop a “no-stitching” culture. If a student is a witness of something dangerous, or that could become dangerous, they should feel welcome to report it. Threat assessments should be taken of potentially dangerous students or situations, and measures taken to ensure that steps are taken to prevent an

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