Baby Movie Analysis

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itzpatrick PSY Baby Movie Babies from different cultures, and locations have very different ways of being taken care of. They 're parents have different ways of making sure that the basic needs of a child are met. All of the children had different ways of getting familiar with their surroundings. Each child has also developed reflexes around the same time. Some parents used the proximal parenting technique, others used distal parenting technique. Although these baby stories are different and similar in many ways, all of the parents had one particular goal; to make sure the baby grows functional and healthy. When it came to oral hygiene, the guardians had different ways of making sure they’re child’s body was cleaned. The mother from Opuwa, Namibia had to wipe her baby girl, Ponijao’s bottom, with a corn on the cob because they did not own any toilet paper. She also licked dirt off the baby face and spits it out. There was …show more content…

They did not own toilet paper, water, toys, a comb, and some others. The tribe’s male and females covered they’re genitals. A lot of dogs, goats, sheep, and donkey’s surrounded the tribe. They made meals from scratch and children of the tribe had to share one bowl of food. It was very different from how Hattie,Bayar, and mari were taken care of. My favorite baby would have to be Panijao. Simply because they showed the viewers that it is possible to be happy without materialistic things. You can observe bugs, and be entertained. You can play with your siblings without any distraction of electronics, the cultures way of living was very inspirational. You can look at their way of living and see that everything that they do is natural. I like the movie a lot. It was a beautiful example of how babies are entertainingly funny, interesting and a closer look at the first moments of

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