Aztec Achievements

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The Aztecs were a large civilization and arguably the most advanced group of people in Latin America. They were developed in all aspects in life; from their unique and colorful culture to their exceptional feats and achievements. The Aztecs were proud and fierce people and even managed to continue to develop and hold on to their culture, despite the overwhelming change that the Spanish Conquest brought. This exhibit is dedicated to the Aztecs and their accomplishments as a civilization in all areas of their lives.

The Aztecs had a very distinctive culture that was different from others in more ways than one. They had a very unique religion that was polytheistic, meaning that the Aztecs believed in many deities. Two of these deities were …show more content…

For one, they had a very effective form of communication and writing. The Aztecs mostly communicated orally, but they also had to rely on a form of written writing as well, and this came in the form of picture symbols called glyphs. The form of writing began to develop during the progression of the Spanish Conquest and were used to record the many events of Aztec life. This form of picture writing can be seen in Aztec books called codices, like the artifact displayed. The Aztecs were also advanced in the way of their system of time. They developed a type of solar calendar that they got from other groups in the time, and it was based on the sun’s movements. The calendar was used as a form of religious dedication as well, because many of the Aztec beliefs and deities could be seen as aspects of the calendar. The Aztec people were very skilled architects and builders and this could be seen in records of their buildings of the time, although most of these structures are in ruin now. The full extent of their architectural building styles could be seen on religious buildings, which had been dedicated with much effort and beauty. They were decorated and built as great feats of engineering and it showed their love of their

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