Importance Of Agriculture In The Aztecs

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DBQ Essay: The Aztecs The Aztec Empire started out small, and became a ginormous empire with many advanced systems. The Aztec Empire was at its height at 1350 to 1519. The empire was an island located at the sight of present-day Mexico City. The Aztecs began to build their empire in the same spot where they saw an eagle sitting on a cactus devouring a serpent. In the Aztec Empire, the Aztec society revolved around agriculture, farming crops, and human sacrifice, the act of killing humans as a part of religion. Historians don’t know which topic to emphasize. Should historians emphasize agriculture or human sacrifice? Human sacrifice is a dark topic that happened in this empire, but their agriculture was also a big help in the Aztec’s everyday life. Aztec agriculture was an advanced system that was important in everyday life. The Aztecs made created chinampas that surrounded the island of Tenochtitlan. Chinampas were a system of irrigation that the Aztecs used. These were “floating islands”, as the Aztecs called them. According to document B, the Aztecs …show more content…

Since human sacrifice is a very dark and twisted subject, historians don’t talk about it as much as their agriculture. Even though that it is true that human sacrifice is dark, it is also a very important part of Aztec society. Human sacrifice was basically a part of their religion. The Aztecs thought that without this ceremony, they wouldn’t get different things that their gods and goddesses bring. For instance, the Aztecs believed that the gods and goddesses would bring crops, sun, rain, existence, etc, and the only way to keep them pleased was by human blood. In history we learn about agriculture and different ways agriculture is important, but we never learned about human sacrifice before. So, this a new thing that everyone is learning, and this is something more interesting than learning about

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