Azia Ciudad-Real

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Love or Death?
True love leads to tragic death; or at least that is what happens in the Shakespeare play, Romeo and Juliet. Most people who have heard of this play would describe it starting as a comedy, and ending in a tragedy. Many would debate that Romeo and Juliet was not a true love story; that it only involved rebellion and quarrels between two families. However, a lot of evidence points to it being a true love story.
One reason many people believe Romeo and Juliet is a true love story is because it is, in fact, a true love story. According to Raven Moss, “Teenagers know what love is because they are more open minded to things like love” (Moss para 1). What Moss is trying to say is that teenagers are more imaginative and enthusiastic about opening up and showing more affection than an adult would. Based on the fact that Romeo and Juliet are both teenagers, we can be dependent on on Moss’s research to prove that it is possible for people that young in age could actually be in love. Also, in the words of Raven Moss, “Love has no face” (Moss para 1). Moss is saying that it does not matter if someone is from a different race or age, love has no boundaries. Based on the fact that Romeo and Juliet were ready to give their lives in order to be together shows that they were really in love from the moment they encountered, to the very end. In all honesty, teenagers are more open minded and more likely to fall in love than adults would. Romeo and Juliet did not care about what household they came from or each of their family feuds; love has no face. This evidence is proof that it is indeed a true love story.
In addition, many believe that adolescent development had a great effect on their feelings for each other. According to Angel...

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...Teens Capable of Really Loving Someone. AustinTalks, 3 Jan. 2011. Web. 28 Apr. 2014.
Oswalt, Angela. "Mental, Emotional, Social Changes through Puberty - Child & Adolescent Development: Puberty." Ed. Mark Dombeck. Seven Counties Services, Inc., 2014. Web. 29 Apr. 2014. .
Peele, Stanton. "Romeo and Juliet's Death Trip: Addictive Love and Teen Suicide." Psychology Today. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Apr. 2014. .

William, Robert. "Is "Romeo and Juliet" a Tragedy, Or a Comedy with Tragic Events? - Homework Help -", 9 Nov. 2008. Web. 29 Apr. 2014. .

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