Ayurveda Essay

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An Introduction to Ayurveda

Ayurveda, which literally means the science of life (Ayur = Life, Veda = Science), ayurveda is an ancient medical science which was developed in India thousands of years ago. Believed to have been passed on to humans from the Gods themselves, Ayurveda developed and evolved into what it is today from several ancient treatises, most notably Adharva Veda which dates back to five thousand years.
Ayurveda or Ayurvedic medicine is a system of medicine with historical roots in the Indian subcontinent. In medieval taxonomies of the Sanskrit knowledge systems, Ayurveda is assigned a place as a subsidiary Veda (upaveda). Some medicinal plant names from the Atharvaveda and other Vedas can be found in subsequent Ayurveda literature.The …show more content…

It is mostly carried out in hotels, restaurants and parties in order to prevent after eating problems like gas, indigestion, acid reflux, abdominal cramps, flatulence, and constipation. DO not be confused with the fennel seeds (moti saunf with green or yellowish color, used for cooking purpose) and aniseeds (patli or chhoti saunf with green color, used for raw eating purpose after meal).

Benefits of Saunf (Fennel Seeds)
Fennel seeds or Saunf are aromatic and sweet taste spice used in kalaunji masala in India for cooking vegetables as well as various medicinal and home remedy to cure variety of health disorders. Because of its lots of medicinal properties (like appetizer, carminative, anti-spasmodic, anti-emetic, purgative and etc) it is widely used as a home remedy to treat various health disorders Pitta, vata, cougha, gas, bloating and other stomach and respiratory problems. Some of its nutritional and medicinal health benefits are given below:
Keeps Oral Cavity Healthy
Saunf is an aromatic and sweet flavored seed acts as a mouth freshener and helps in removing bad breath, relief from toothache and gum

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