Avatar Film Analysis

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Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti Sesiunea ştiinţifică studenţească Section 1 Business Communication and Culture Behind the scenes – Avatar-the most expensive movie ever made? Student: Nicoleta-Claudia NICHITA, CSIE, I, 1013 Coordonator: Lect. dr. Viorela DIMA Aprilie 2014 Table of Contents Introduction 3 Main costs in the movie industry 3 Avatar’s marketing costs 4 Technology costs 5 Budgets in the movie industry 6 Avatar’s budget 9 Avatar’s secret weapon 9 Ticket price 10 Avatar’s income 11 Conclusions 12 References 13 Behind the scenes - Avatar - the most expensive movie ever made ? Introduction Almost two hundred years ago a gadget called camera was invented and, after some years, the television and cinema were created. Nowadays, the movie industry has become one of the largest industries with millions of employees and producers. But have you ever wondered how much these movies actually cost to make? Well, it seems that the average cost to make a movie is around $66 million and all that for just one and a half hour or even two and a half hours in some cases. But which is the most expensive movie ever made ? Could it be Mr. Cameron’s Avatar? Firstly, talking about film budgets can be a tricky thing due to the fact that studios often try to keep this information secret or spread wrong information by using accounting tricks to inflate or reduce the announced budgets. Furthermore, when calculating a film budget one needs to take into account all the costs that may arise during pre-production, filming, post-production and promotion, such as: story rights, screenplay, producer’s and director’s salaries, actor's salaries and production staff salaries, production costs, visual effects,... ... middle of paper ... ...om/the-most-expensive-movies-ever-made http://www.indiatimes.com/art-and-culture/5-most-expensive-movies-ever-made-20180.html http://www.forbes.com/2006/12/18/movies-budget-expensive-tech-media-cx_lr_1214moviebudget.html http://io9.com/5363781/the-most-expensive-movies-of-the-past-decade http://attentionera.com/top-10-most-expensive-films-of-all-time/ http://www.webcitation.org/5m6OlarMy http://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avatar http://entertainment.howstuffworks.com/movie-cost1.htm http://www.thewrap.com/movies/article/avatars-true-cost-and-consequences-11206 http://listphobia.com/2008/11/12/10-most-expensive-movies/ http://imdb.com/ http://boxofficemojo.com/ http://bullsbearspress.com/articles/176-avatar-success-failure-and-the-emerging-3d-industry http://www.vulture.com/2009/11/the_hedging_of_james_camerons.html http://www.directessays.com/viewpaper/45381.html

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