Autumn Monologue

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The autumn leaves crunching beneath my feet. Birds chirping to an unfamiliar melody. The swamp green trees caving in on us, any connections to the outside world long gone. It's crazy to think that in just a span of two hours, we have seen and witnessed many, if not all of nature’s purest beauty and uttermost perfection. This may very well be an upright exaggeration, but it truly was an outstanding and just marvelous sight to see. Now as I suspect, you may be confused as to what I am referring to, so let me backtrack a little bit. It all started on a windy Saturday afternoon. I had just rolled out of bed, groggy from the previous night. It was finally the weekend, and all I really wanted to do was sleep. But me being me, I decided …show more content…

I mean, its cold and rainy. Do you really think I want to risk getting hypothermia,” I told her, standing just a few feet away from the entrance. To be quite honest, at the time I had no idea what on earth hypothermia even was. That was just how desperate for an excuse I had …show more content…

I would never admit it to her, but in that moment, I wasThe rest of the hike seemed to go by in the blink of an eye soon after that, everything turning into a sudden blur. This may not be a particular moment or highlight of our trip, as I can definitely think of a few, but rather the only thing that really stuck out to me. When I first got out of the car, I didn't know what to expect. Should I be taking notes? Do I have my phone on stand by? What is Allison thinking? So instead, I just stood there. Plain and simple. Took in the scenery for what it truly was. In its simplest and most purest form. And that was that. Nothing grand or extravagant. Now, as I reflect on my experience, I am not sure if I will ever get the chance to go on a hike anytime soon, but after that very day, it makes me wonder. Why not? I should not be bound to such trivial conventions when nature has so much to offer. After all, nature “...holds the key to our aesthetic, intellectual, cognitive, and even spiritual

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