Autopilot Synthesis Essay

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Autopilot, the self-driving feature in the new Tesla car, is a controversial subject because it puts the car’s computer in control of all driving responsibilities. To activate this autonomous mode, all the driver has to do is push a button and the computer has full control of the vehicle. The sole responsibility of the driver is to pay close attention to the way the car brakes, steers, and accelerates, while in autopilot mode. Amazingly, there has only been one known fatality involving a Tesla vehicle while driving in autopilot. In an article written by Jordan Golson and published by The Verge, this first fatality in a Tesla vehicle driving in autopilot is covered with great detail. On the other hand, an article written by Jacob Bogage …show more content…

This article does a good job explaining the facts about the crash using substantial detail and statistics. He explains that both the driver and the car’s sensors did not see a big rig and trailer “against a brightly lit sky.” Golson confirms that as a result of this visibility problem, the car crashed underneath the trailer and killed “Joshua Brown, 40, of Canton Ohio.” Also, Golson points out that Tesla CEO Elon Musk tweeted that the vehicles’ radar didn’t help in this case because it “tunes out what looks like an overhead road sign to avoid false breaking events.” This statement by Musk in Golson’s article gives relevant detail on how and why the vehicle crashed. On the other hand, “Tesla Driver Using Autopilot Killed in Crash” by Jacob Bogage does not contain such helpful details. Bogage writes, “…Tesla acknowledged that the accident might have been the fault of the computer.” Could Tesla be at fault? The vagueness of this statement does not give enough detail to let the readership formulate a personal opinion or even give Tesla the benefit of the doubt. If this were the only article a reader read about the fatal crash, he might unfairly give Tesla blame for the

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