Autocratic Monarchy During The Iranian Revolution

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Joey Sansone November 17 HHHP Autocratic Monarchy a Thing of the Past! With the Autocratic Monarchy in Iran 's rear view mirror, there is hope that the new form of government will benefit the Citizens of Iranian. Before the Iranian Revolution, which began in January 1978 and ended in February 1979, Iran 's government was an Autocratic Monarchy (Wikipedia; Iranian Revolution). Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi had unlimited authority over the citizens of Iran. Shah’s dictatorship and inability to manage the country 's finances resulted in poverty and led to a revolutionary war which ultimately changed the form of Iran 's government. Once the Shah was overthrown, Iran adopted the Islamic Republic. Iran was now ruled by Islamic law. For …show more content…

(Wikipedia; Autocratic) The editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica define coup d 'état as a “sudden, violent overthrow of an existing government by a small group.”(Encyclopaedia Britannica; coup d’etat) This is what occurred during the Iranian revolution. Monarchy “A form of government in which law-making power is given to a single person, usually holding such authority by birthright” (Duhaime’s Law Dictionary; Monarchy) Autocratic Monarchy Resulted in Coup D 'etat Shah was the Supreme leader of Iran. The vast majority of people did not agree with his economic decisions and as a result he was overthrown by his people. His bad financial decisions led to high levels of inflation and a low standard of living. Wikipedia stated that, “Shah was perceived by many Iranians as beholden to if not a puppet of a non-Muslim Western power (the United States).”(Wikipedia; Background and causes of the Iranian revolution).

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