Autobiographical Speech Outline

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Ayala, Selena Com 101- 4021 Spring 2017 Autobiographical Speech Outline Introduction Attention Getter: "Movies touch our hearts and awaken our vision, and change the way we see things. They take us to other places; they open doors and minds. Movies are memories of our lifetime; we need to keep them alive." – Martin Scorsese. To most people, movies are a way to pass the time, but to me, they represent dreams, imagination, and history. Central/Thesis statement: Being a movie lover means I enjoy, watching movies like most people. However, I do have other interest that I enjoy. Preview statement: First I am going to start off by explaining about the movies I like and what I've gained from them. Next, I'll tell you …show more content…

Well, it is boring if you are learning it from a very monotone instructor. However, I grew fond of the subject in 7th grade. By awesome history teacher Ms. Luna, which made me realize why history is so cool. I am a very curious person by nature, I ask a lot of questions, that no one really has the answer too! History answers most of those questions. Such as why we have different traditions and how societies became to be etc. History tells us the origins of life. Time Travel However, history is much more than answering questions. Learning history in a way is like time traveling. With the technology, at our fingertips, we have the access to "go back in time", to explore and understand an era we have never seen. I personally love to see documentaries whether it's about the making of Las Vegas or the notorious Billy the kids or anything that peaks my interest. The documentaries give me that visual of how life was, which makes me most feel like I experienced it too in some way. History is an adventure, it lets you explore different cultures, eras and that's why I like …show more content…

However, there is a big passion, that everyone in my family is really into, it's Brazil. I don't really know how this came about, I just know that we have this love for Brazil since I can remember. Though we do not any cultural tides to this beautiful country. This love goes beyond picking the Brazilian soccer team after of our soccer teams loses. I remember hearing the occasionally The girl from Ipanema or La Lamabada songs in the house. Portuguese With our admiration for Brazil, we have indulged ourselves in learning about the culture including the languages. My family is pretty coherent in the language some more than others. I understand Portuguese more than I can speak it and somewhat read it, it's not too hard to understand since it's so close to Spanish. I love to watch Brazilian movies without the subtitles to see how well I am fully understanding the language. Watching foreign films too me is a great way to exercises any language and it a fun way to learns it. Conclusion Signal: In

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