Auto Insurance Claim Analysis

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On this Friday, I came into a heaping load of work that would require me to callous my fingers typing the same information repeatedly–opening the claims, making a few phone calls, jotting down some notes in the file, scheduling vehicle inspections, and reviewing photos of damages, along with estimates. Auto insurance claims are never a one-person job; there are usually several individuals assisting to help find the best possible solution. While scrambling to check items off the long to-do list and sorting my load, I met my nemesis. This customer had a question that I did not readily have an answer to. My supervisor came in to save the day, with a satisfying solution. Especially grateful for the assistance, I felt an obligation to express my gratitude. With an already open file, I quickly typed thank you. Later that day, however, Celia scolded me about my comments being a waste of time. Stirring in me a painful sensation began to change my life. Working in a team setting helped me to realize that we learn most about ourselves through our interactions with others. …show more content…

I continued to work, but Dee, my coworker, asked me if everything was okay. She noted that I had not been my usual upbeat and humorous self—laughing and making jokes about my mistakes. Now, feeling like the time I had rear-ended a stopped car, I prepared for lunch. As I warmed my leftovers, I realized my appetite had dampened. My cheesy, gooey spaghetti which were accompanied by my lightly toasted garlic bread no longer seemed so appetizing. My heart was broken and I was too grieved to even ask any questions. Why is expressing thankfulness a waste of time? I called my mother and first shared my feelings with her regarding my supervisor’s statement, during my break. She advised me that it would be a great idea to ask my supervisor to meet with me when she had the

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