Augustus Mccallister Research Paper

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Long ago in the year, 1863, on a many acred farm, there lived a man by the name, Augustus McCallister. McCallister was a wealthy,scoldful and greedy man who inherited land formerly owned by his father in which flourished with many crops and income. How could a single man run such an abundance of land, you may ask? The land was ran by slaves who day by day, harvested crops with gloveless hands which were torn and battered by the thorns of the brush. Who walked on dried,rough and tilled ground with shoeless feet. Who worked in the heat of the day without an ounce of water or a shirt on their back. McCallister would whip the men till they were blue in the face, if the commands he gave at the beginning of the day were not met. He would beat the women till they no longer recognizable for simply making a dish that he did not fancy. The children were cursed at and scolded for playing instead of working. He was a very cruel man and he enjoyed every second of it. Although things that took place on the land were dark and evil, you would never be able to tell on the outside looking in. This is because the land was very kept up with as a result of overworking the slaves. During the day the land expressed the greenest of grass, the most crisp water, and a rainbow of color from the abundance of fruit and crops. It was …show more content…

He did, for a split second, think about what Odemay had told him but just as fast as he thought about it, he pushed it to the back of his mind. Throughout the day he continued with the lashings and beatings and had never once taken into consideration the message he received from God. It was about time to wrap things up on the land and McCallister was headed inside for bed. On his way inside he noticed it was a bit colder an eerier out and he began thinking of how he did not change his ways and almost began to worry but once again he just pushed it out of his

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