Unsung Heroes: Atticus Finch and Boo Radley

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Atticus Finch is the hero in Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird, but he is not the only hero. Atticus took on a legal case to defend a black man, when everybody said he shouldn’t. Atticus risked his safety and reputation to defend Tom Robinson because he believed in equality and showed it with his actions. However Boo Radley, the crazy recluse of the village is also a hero. He came out of his house, and risked exposure and his safety to save Atticus’s children from murder. A hero is someone who puts others’ safety or needs before their own. Therefore, this essay shows both Atticus and Boo are heroes. Contrasting with these heroic characters, Bob Ewell shows us the opposite of heroism and sacrifice, as he risked the life of another person to …show more content…

In Tom Robinson’s trial, Bob was called up to testify against Tom. Atticus proved that Bob’s account was false, that Tom was innocent and Bob was a liar. Bob had lied, to protect his own perceived reputation, at the expense of Tom’s life. This is the opposite of a hero. He lied to protect himself, and to wrongly convict a man. The villainy continues when he tried to kill Scout and Jem. Scout and Jem were walking home at night, when they were attacked by Bob Ewell. Bob had threatened to kill Atticus and get back at him, so he tried to kill his children. He tries to harm others for revenge and to uphold his ego. While many others were heroes, Bob Ewell was the opposite, not just putting himself first, but endangering the lives of others. A hero is someone who risks themselves to help others. Atticus is a hero because he stood up for what he believed was right, but he is not the only hero in the novel. Boo Radley, like Atticus, is also a hero because he shows sacrifice for others. Using this definition of heroism, there may be other heroes in the book. However, Bob Ewell is a coward because he endangered the life of others to protect himself. He demonstrates many characteristics that are the opposite of heroism. Heroism can be shown in many different ways. Atticus and Boo’s actions demonstrate their sacrifice and so their

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