Athletic Scholarship Pros And Cons

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Athletic Scholarships The issue of giving out scholarships to athletes has become more of heated matter in the last few years. Furthermore, both sides of the argument present good points and don’t want to give any ground to the side. However, is it wrong to give out a scholarship to an athlete that deserves it? Does every Athlete get a scholarship? Do the Schools suffer or the community in that area because they give out a large number of scholarships? Why should Schools keep giving out athletic Scholarships? How are some of the new boundaries athletes have to keep? Whether it’s football, basketball, lacrosse, or swimming, there are lots of scholarships available to student-athletes. The Scholarships that are given are not guaranteed, every School has requirements and guidelines that must be kept at all times. NCAA colleges require prospective student-athletes to complete and pass what they have titled “core courses” in order to be eligible to compete at the NCAA Division I and Division II college level. In addition to completing required core courses, potential recruits will also have to maintain at least a 2.3 GPA for course courses. Now because …show more content…

Well, hopefully, that's not 100 percent accurate, but there's definitely some truth to that statement. While parents still very much value contributing to their children's college tuition, the amount that families can afford to contribute has declined. A study commissioned by lender Sallie Mae and conducted by Gallup found that the number of families who planned to cover few if any college costs had risen while the number of parents expecting to cover more than half of the costs had dropped. A similar survey conducted by Longmire and Company, a higher-ed consulting firm, found that 33 percent the largest percentage of parents said they planned on contributing less than $5,000 to their child's college tuition, barely enough to cover four years of

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