Athletes Should Be Paid

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Today we are going to be talking about Athletes pay and why we think there should be salary caps on athletes. A Minnesota VIking player can make up to $99.6 million in a year. The salary cap for the athletes is about $126.3 million a year. For the chicago bears quarterback Jay Cutler has a 7 year contract to make $126 million. We could be paying our troops more for serving our country. In just two years only get paid $26,562 a year. Our Federal employees, as our president, supreme court , ext. have to pay the social security tax, when pro players don’t have too. The amount that an average athlete makes is outrageous. Comparing it to an average citizen they make enough money to end world hunger. Its horrible that a person who throws …show more content…

Now how do you expect a hard working couple or even a single parent make enough money when working 40-50 hour work weeks on pays of $8 an hour. Some even gets paid salary. Not to mention our own congressmen only get paid 170,000. Now the real facts will get put down. Let's put all this together, an average firefighter makes $47,720 a year. And this is a full time firefighter. Policemen make an average $27.05 an hour, and yearly salary is $56,260. A state patrol makes an average $60,650 a year. Now a active military soldier, for being a private you make $18,378 in 2 years. A Private First Class makes $21,664 in 2 years, Specialist or Corporal $23,994 in 2 years, Sergeant $26,172 in 2 years, and last but not least the Staff Sergeant gets $26,569. Now these are soldiers on active duty. They are training day by day, so they are up and ready to go if there was an attack or an emergency. Now these guys are making less than an average citizen. Let alone less than an Athlete who is still an average citizen with a big name and outrageous high pay. Now military officers on active duty, for being a second Lieutenant they make $34,862 in 2 years, First

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