Athletes Are Overpaid

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Are athletes and entertainers overpaid? Last year Peyton Manning made more money than an average family makes in a lifetime. I feel that professional athletes and entertainers do get paid more than they should. This is unreasonable considering that they are just for entertainment and inspiration to some. Some people work much harder to provide for their family and get paid much less. People play sports and act all the time and don’t get paid, so how is that fair? These athletes and entertainers make more than normal families do in their whole life just because they are more skilled. There are adults and parents in the world that take multiple shifts for multiple jobs trying to provide for their family. There are also athletes and actors who go out and play one game or do one performance and get paid millions of dollars for it. These people don’t need to worry about providing for their family because their talent does it for them. Some people would say that athletes and entertainers do not deserve these large sums of money and others will say that you don’t deserve things, you earn them. There are much harder jobs in the world that get paid way less and they help more people. …show more content…

Little kids all the way to college students play sports and are almost as good as the professionals. When you go out to play a sport you don’t think that one day you could become a millionaire because you can throw a ball, serve, swim, hit, or do anything else. Little kids dream of becoming pro athletes but never think about what really comes with it. The same thing happens with actors, you take a theater class and think it’s fun, next thing you know you’re on Broadway. All because you can memorize lines and have nice facial expressions. People never think it can turn out that well, but it obviously

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