Asteroid Mining Persuasive Essay

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In today’s world, all parts of Earth and been discovered and used for resources. This along with the vast supply of asteroids in space has lead to scientists and business pushing for asteroid mining. Asteroid mining, to be more specific, involves sending spacecrafts into space and using asteroids as a new resource. This seems like a great idea but there are some that oppose this by saying it’s too expensive. However, there have been various studies that researched into mining asteroids which have made me a believer that asteroid mining is a feasible project that should be fully supported. The first reason why asteroid mining should be prioritized is that it can lead to economic growth and become self-sufficient. Asteroids are known to be …show more content…

Just by mining any type of asteroids, Martin Elvis indicates scientists can use them to find out how space was 4.5 million years ago (2012). Finding out how space was like back then could provide us valuable information when roaming through space. Since asteroid mining will bring in huge amounts of samples, they can be tested to learn more. Elvis points out that asteroids can be tested to find out about why there are ores in Earth’s crust and if life started from an asteroid crashing into Earth (2012). Andy Tomaswick includes that as asteroid mining progresses, it can help spacecrafts become more efficient and make modifications to increase the spacecraft’s traveling distance (2015). The last bit of scientific knowledge that asteroid mining can give to us is a map of space because as mining companies travel, they will have to find efficient routes which could lead to exploring space ever further than the mine locations. An equally important reason is that companies and regulations have already made steps to start mining asteroids. Some examples are Luxembourg who has invested €220 million into asteroid mining and Planetary Resources producing technologies that are to be used for mining asteroids (Creighton, 2016). This shows that companies have already committed and are now just waiting for the technologies to develop. Even governments have made efforts such as the U.S. which signed a law that allows citizens the right to own resources from space (Jasmasmine, 2016). By having the government involved, it is apparent that this project is not going to be delayed, but be a priority. The vast amount of knowledge that can be gained and the fact that investments and developments have been made solidify the idea that asteroid mining will be

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